I like to impart my professional knowledge and experience in workshops. I have been invited by Goethe-Institut (German culture Institut) several times to teach and to work with artists and students, children and teachers.
11/1013 workshops at the German bookfestival "IKiBu" in Duisburg
At this years IKiBu, Julia Kaergel gave 4 workshops for children of the primary school.
There have been around 60 events in all districts of Duisburg, around the theme "USA" to give the students insight into American culture and life. So the illustrator was invited, with her book "Lotte in New York" - Text: Doris Dörrie
How does an illustrator work? How to paint and draw a city that is so big that one can get lost in it? Two groups of children have tinkered a big huge city.
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09/2013 - Lecture and workshop by Julia Kaergel;
Kumaun University, SSJ Campus Almora - Faculty of Visual Art; North India
International workshop for fotography and Illustration
led by Threesh Kapoor and Julia Kaergel - about 100 students
09/2013 Workshop for children by Julia Kaergel in Shitla, Uttara Khand, North India
Illustration workshop for children in the Bibliothek of Shitla in Hindi and Englisch.
Reading the story: "MIMI DISCOVERS THE WORLD" - in Hindi.
'What is an illustrator doing? Was can happen on a blank sheet of paper?
About 48 children from the surrounding villages painted many pictures and invented exciting stories.
09/2013 Workshop for children in Chirag, Simaya, Uttara Khand, North India
Workshop for children by Julia Kaergel, Translation by Arundhati Deosthale. Reading the beginning of the book LOTTE LANGWEILT SICH. (LOTTE IS BORED) in English and Hindi, Text by Doris Dörrie, Illustrations by Julia Kaergel, Publisher: Ravensburger, in Chirag School (primary school) NGO
"what could happen when you are so bored?" Developing own ideas - painting with fingers
09/2013 Julia Kaergel: Illustration workshop for children
at Kiran Nadar Museum of Art, New Delhi, language: Englisch und Hindi
The event was supported by the German Book Office
and Max Mueller Bhavan New Delhi, (Goethe Institute)
DRAW YOUR OWN STORY: workshop with Julia Kaergel
After the reading of the book "MIMI DISCOVERS THE WORLD" (text by Doris Dorrie) (in english and hindi) giving a short introduction how to making books.
Later the participants started to develope their own stories, beginning with visual ideas.
09/2013 lesson for school class and workshop with Julia Kaergel
Location: Max Mueller Bhavan (Goethe Institut), New Delhi
language: Englisch, Hindi and German
Reading out of the books "MIMI" and "MIMI discovers the world"
(Text: Doris Dörrie, illustrations: Julia Kaergel), workshop about bookillustration.
What is an Illustrator doing?
What can happen on a blank sheet of paper?
The children are finding own ideas and develope own stories.
08/2013 JUMPSTART bookfestival 2013 - ICC, New Delhi,
taking part at JUMPTSTART book conference with several events:
Session: Julia Kaergel (illu), Arundhati Deosthale (transl.), Stuart Jackman (publisher),
Emily Gravett (illu)
2. Illustrator's Masterclass with Julia Kaergel (illu) and Emily Gravett (illu)
at JUMPSTART festival 2013
06/2013 - Illustration workshop for professional illustrators and students of Srinakarinwirot Uni, by Julia Kaergel, Bangkok Art and Culture Centre (BACC).
The Town Musicians of Bremen - a German fairy tale. In the beginning we start to work with the text. Which aspects of the story are interesting? Telling this story in own words, for children or adults. Storyboarding, developing characters, sketching. The students develope a sequence of 3 pictures. An exhibition of the works in Goethe-Institut Bangkok will be prepared.
05/2013 - AFCC - Asian Festival of children's Content
Location: National Library Building Singapore.
The children learn how a picture book is created. They develop characters and start playing to develop a story, working with stamps, fingerprints and paint.
Workshop for children between 6 and 10 years.
Asian-workshop-tour 10/12 - 11/12 with destinations: Seoul, Beijing, Donnguan, Guangzhou, Hong Kong. Invitation and organization by the Goethe Institute.
11/2012 illustrationworkshop with Julia Kaergel for students of Guangzhou Academy of Fine arts (GAFA) in China - book cover design workshop
Little Red Riding Hood - a German fairy tale.
In the beginning we start to work with the text. Which aspects of the story are interesting? Telling this story in own words, for children or adults. Developing characters, sketching, layouting a cover, finding appropriate typography are important steps before cover designs will be presented. At the end of the workshop, there is an exhibition at the university library. During the opening ceremony, each student has the possibility to present his ideas, his story and his book covers.
10/2012 illustrationworkshop with Julia Kaergel for students of University of New Media Art and Design, illustration department, Beijing, China.
Little Red Riding Hood - a German fairy tale.
During the workshop the students develop a sequence of 5 pictures. The students work in their individual style, explore the relationship of images in a sequence and learn a lot about image-text relationship. Finding interesting aspects in the old fairy tale. Telling the old story in 5 pictures with own words, for children or adults.
At the end of the workshop, each student has the opportunity to present his ideas, the story and his images. Now every participant knows how to go on and how to finish their projects.
10/2012 illustration workshop for students of School of Design Hong-Ik University, art department, Seoul, South Korea.
"Heung-Bu and Nol-Bu", a Korean fairy tale
During the workshop the students develop a sequence of 5 pictures. The students are working in their individual style, explore the relationship of images in a sequence and learn a lot about image-text relationship. Finding interesting aspects in the old fairy tale. Telling the old story in 5 pictures with own words, for children or adults.
At the end of the workshop, each student has the opportunity to present his ideas, the story and his images. Finally a catalog of the workshop has been created.
10/2012 illustration workshop with children
in the international children's library in Seoul, by Julia Kaergel.
At the beginning, I explane, how a picturebook is made. Reading, printing and painting. The two children groups had a lot of fun, creating great pictures and telling stories about their figures, animals and adventures.
01/2012 Book cover design, workshop by Julia Kaergel,
Goethe Institute Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Love at First Sight - 7 seconds time to decide
Every book needs an attractive cover. The first impression is determinant. The book cover is an eyecatcher and has to kindle interst, regardless if it is a picture book for children or a novel for adults. It is a sales argument and mirrors the subject matter.
In January 2012, I was invited for a workshop to Dhaka to work with local students, artists and freelancers. The workshop was held in the studio Shunno, Dhaka, Lalmatia. After an insight into current book cover design, introduction to typography and composition exercises, the publisher gave us a detailed briefing for five book covers various genres. The participants got to know all steps in this week from the first idea to the presentation of the covers. It was a collaboration with the publisher, The University Press Limited.
The exhibition opens on 9th February 2012 at the Goethe Institute. Opening at 5 p.m. untill 29th February. The development from the first idea to the finished book cover is shown. Later exhibition is shown at various locations including the book fair in Dhaka.
12/2011 picture-book-art by Julia Kaergel, Fine Arts Department ISI Yogyakarta and Goethe Institut Jakarta, Indonesien.
In December 2011 I was invited for a workshop to Yogyakarta. I started the workshop with a presentation on the current development of illustration in Germany. The contemporary picture book art is very innovative and different styles co-exist in parallel. In the illustration workshop for students, the students get an insight into the entire process from initial idea to the finished picture book.
The workshop was held at the College (Fine Arts Department ISI) in Yogyakarta and ended
with an exhibition of students works in the gallery Katamsi.
2011 workshop The world in four Colours, Goethe Institut Dhaka, Bangladesh. For many people in the West, their first step into the wonderful world of literature is with the picture books they see and read as children. These books a combination of visual and textual narratives, capture a child's imagination and offer a valuable literay experience. Creating illustrations for such books is not an easy task.
The workshop The World in Four colours addresses professional illustrators of Bangladesh for a training on current trends and new developments of contemporary children book illustration. For eight days the artists will work on the topic and the outcomes have been presented to the public by the end of the workshop in the galerie of the Institute untill 9.Mai.2011.
+ More infos here my bangladesh, 23.04.2011.
+ more infos here the independent 04/2011
+ the fantasy world of children daily sun - culturetainment - on 01.05.2011.
2010 Picture Book Art by Julia Kaergel, Goethe Institute, Jakarta, Indonesia.
In November 2010 I was invited to Jakarta for 2 weeks. To accompany my exhibition at the Goethe Institute in Jakarta, I gave a lecture about the current development of illustration in Germany. The contemporary picture book art is very innovative and different styles co-exist in parallel. In the workshop for illustration students the participants got an insight into the entire process from initial idea to the finished picture book. The workshop was held at the university in Jakarta (Institute Kesenian). more infos.
In 2008 I attended a very special project. The Goethe-Institut Sudan and the UNDP invited me to work with local artists to develop bill and poster art. A lot of art was created during our six week travelling alongside the Nile. The output of this work helps the sudanese relief organisation to push their projects further. The outcoming work found its place in an exhibition in the national museum in Karthoum. Find detailed information about „a picture is worth a thousand words“.
Since 2001 I've been giving lectures and workshops in schools, museums, libraries, the Goethe Institute, reading festivals and many other places.
The way from having the first idea to a ready to print picture book.
How do we invent stories and how to make a book out of it? To make the process clear I give insights into my work as an illustrator. Showing pictures, scetches and models I inspire my attendees to come up with new ideas. Its all about the experience of seeing, perception and illusion.
When working with children I come up with one of my books or a story. Based on that I inspire children to find their very own pictures. Inventing and painting pictures makes a lot of fun. Every child goes home with a little book in his hand.